Ear Candling
We have all at some time experienced an issue with our ears, nose, or sinuses, blockages, headaches, ear popping and other unpleasant sensations. It impacts on how we feel and how we cope with our day. Up until recently your G.P. will have offered to syringe your ears with high pressured water, but now they only do that as a last resort, because it can lead to other problems.
Ear candling on the other hand is very gentle and has the advantage of addressing a number of complaints. The candles are actually hollow and made from natural products, including aromatic beeswax, herbs, and essential oils. When you have this therapy, you will lie on your side and a lit candle is placed safely just inside the outer ear. The warm healing vapours will travel and circulate into the inner ear and sinuses for about ten minutes, before the candle is extinguished. A small safety grommet at the end of the candle ensures only vapours enter the canal. Roll over and the other ear is treated. You will also be offered a short but pleasant lymphatic facial massage that will take another ten minutes and add to this wonderful experience.
So, what can ear candling do for you? (By the way, its modern name is “thermal auricular therapy” Phew!)
Reduce excessive wax in a natural and comfortable way by warming it to allow the lymphatic system to clear it naturally
Addresses Candida, a fungal overgrowth that is common in areas of our body that has fluid.
Eases pressure in the ear especially from swimming and flying
Aids resistance to hay fever and some allergies
Relieves some migraines and headaches
Has potential to relieve Tinnitus depending on the cause
Relieves stress
That last one I love. Everyone that I have ever treated with ear candling has experienced an amazing moment in which they felt peace and relaxation.
Whatever reason you come to me for this treatment, you will most definitely feel some benefit.