Reiki is a holistic therapy that engages us in a beautiful, tranquil moment that allows healing energies to flow through our body’s. I am a Reiki practitioner/ Master of twenty years and know that receiving such a treatment will empower you. It will centre and align your chakras and energy field, balancing your body perfectly.
Reiki can be a hands-on or hands-off treatment. You will have a wonderful sense of peace and relaxation.
As you receive it, Reiki looks to adjust frequency and bring balance to you on many levels. Once in balance, your body uses its own healing capabilities to support you.
It is tailored made! All you have to do is relax on my couch, (fully clothed) and enjoy.
Reiki distance healing can be sent across space and time and allows me to work with you, without being physically present. We agree on a date and time in which you will sit relaxed and comfortable for about half an hour. I will use visualisation to send healing energies to you, on all levels, mind, body, and spirit.
Perfect for our current global situation!
Again, with the same principles of centring and aligning, if you choose Angelic Reiki, I connect to the incredibly beautiful Angelic Realms. As you receive, in Divine love and wisdom, your consciousness and vibration are raised. You may find that old thought patterns are released, if they are no longer serving you and a space is made for the new. A deep sense of peace and tranquillity washes over you.
You are not required to have any particular belief systems in order to receive Reiki. Both Reiki and Angelic Reiki are positive, supporting healing energy systems that promotes good health.
Today, the science of energy and traditional ancient wisdoms, are moving together in alignment and understanding.
How exciting is that! Let Reiki support you!